AmigaOS3.5 (16/967)

From:Tom Bailie
Date:1 May 2000 at 17:04:08
Subject:Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T

on Mayday, Brian wrote and Don answered;

> On 01-May-00, Brian Perez wrote:

> > I never expected my original request to cause such an uproar.
> > So, as much as I hate to say it I'm glad it was out there.

Don't you know what these ML's are like yet? You'll always cross
somebody! To Hell with them! Stick with it! Remember, Gods become
Demi-Gogs, become .......

> Also, how is somebody who picks up an A1000 cheap going to get it
> working if these files are not available? These 1980s Amigas are
> antiques now, and collectors ought to be able to get them working.
> Ideally, all the files on this site would be on the Amiga site.

> Don Cox

Horror of Horrors, Don, I actually find myself agreeing with you (I
think?), after you castrating me on another ML about knowing nothing
about fonts!

By the way, Don, I'm the bloody antique, not the Amiga's.

There is one thing I would like to point out to ALL!

The United States Courts will, in future, be taking a dim view of
Copywrite Actions, (The 'small print' in the MS affair), and , the
EEC, especially UK, will be encouraging Consumer Organisations to
seriously question the so called 'Disclaimer' notices that accompany
'bought' software, so, Amiga developers, be warned!
Don't question me about this info., OS3.5, NC3 and, especially
Voyager, do sometimes work. Do your own research.

Now!, if I have not crossed too many on THIS list, I will be needing a
lot of help in Towering an A1200(well, I have it Towered, but I'll be
putting in 'add-on's' and OS3.5 may cause me problems), so, are there
still any "GOOD" people out there?

INFO: I have spent over £600 in the past year on my 3 Amiga A1200's,
the Pentium II 450, is now advertised at £459.95! Don't give me any
rude comments, please, even though I would!

No offence to you, Don, please don't take any. I really am a very
civil person.

Sincere Regards to you all,


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