AmigaOS3.5 (156/967)

Date:3 May 2000 at 22:34:45
Subject:Too many Cookies

I am a member of the Amiga OS3_5 ML at, and I go there regularly for information on the new OS.

I,m receiving several Cookie warnings each time I sign in to ONEList. In fact six requesters come in rapid sequence.

1. Name: Session Value: XXXX Expiration 1 Jan 1970
2. Name: Session Value: (long string) Exp: 4 May 2001
3. Name: Userbirthyear Value 119281005 Exp 1 Jan 1970
4. Name: " " Value " " 4 May 2001
One screen later
5. Name: Session Value XXXX Expiration 1 Jan 1970
6. Name: Userbirthyear Value 119281005 Exp 1 Jan 1970

The AWeb hot list shows ONEList OS3_5 listing solid as not having been accessed in the past. However, the AWeb cache has many ONEList entries, (10 to 12 megs worth), so AWeb certainly knows I,ve been accessing this website.
As far as I know, AWEB is working OK and down NOT reject your cookies.

Perhaps the expiration date, is telling AWeb to cancel the cookie every time, and this is the reason for the continuing cookie requests.

Incidentally, if I do not sign in, I get no cookies except the
occassioinal advertisers cookie.

Hoping for some help to speedup access to the ML.


Bob Mithoug

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