AmigaOS3.5 (143/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:3 May 2000 at 21:46:16
Subject:Re: when are we getting a full version of miami?

On 03-May-00 at 11:21:22, tesla wrote these words of wisdom:
>> On 03-May-00, Marion E. Wyatt wrote:
>>> It says "OEM" version not a FULL version, and Holger has a statement
>>> about Miami OEM and OS3.5 on his webpage at
> Ok, I'll bite. What *IS* a OEM version, vs a FULL version? Still crippled,
> I bet.

OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer

Please read the entire page at the link below.. I only snipped what I
thought relavent to the discussion. The link gives quite a bit more

snipped from

"The OEM version would be identical to the demo version, except
that it would only work with OS 3.5/ReAction (no MUI/GadTools support),
and that it would not have a 30/60 minute time limit on connections.
In all other aspects it would behave identically to the demo version
(same limitations: no SSL, no T/TCP etc.). Users of the OEM version
would not automatically be registered or eligible to registration


If a Miami 3.3 OEM version for OS 3.5 really is created, then
it will be made available to OS 3.5 users free of charge, as part of one
of the upcoming maintenance patch archives."

snipped from

"It has come to our attention that Haage&Partner has released a note on the
OS 3.5 CD-ROM which claims that an OEM version of Miami 3.3 will be released
soon. That information is incorrect and was released without our knowledge or
consent. Fact is that the original plans called for a OEM version of Miami to
be relased with OS 3.5, but these plans had to be changed in early October
'99 because some of the modules needed by Miami-OEM could not be supplied by
Haage&Partner in time as originally specified. As a result the Miami OEM
version which depends on these modules could not be completed in time for
release, and OS 3.5 only contains a demo version of Miami. If and when a
Miami OEM version for OS 3.5 will still be released is uncertain at this
time. Please see the _*original announcement*_ we made on the Miami mailing list
on October 3rd, 1999 for more information."

original announcement:

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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