AmigaOS3.5 (135/967)

Date:3 May 2000 at 21:02:21
Subject:Re: boingbag

Hello, Derek.

You wrote at 03-Mai-00 concerning "*Re: [amigaOS3_5] Re: boingbag*":

DL> Ok, so I downloaded the LZX utility from AMINET and installed it,
DL> but I'm still missing something. After attempting to extract the
DL> boingbag1.lzx file, I get the following message:

DL> Extracting files from archive 'boingbag1.lzx':
DL> 0 file(s) extracted
DL> Operation successful.

DL> I have downloaded the boingbag file three times. What am I doing
DL> wrong? Should I abandon the Amiga alltogether and move to the dark
DL> side because of this?

Did you set the right arguments to lzx?
Try lzx -x x
and the path and filename behind that.

Regards, Armin

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