AmigaOS3.5 (12/967)

From:Joseph Duchatelet
Date:1 May 2000 at 09:06:04
Subject:Re: oktagon.device & NSDPatch

On 30-Apr-00, Colin Wenzel wrote:
>On 30-Apr-00, Joseph Duchatelet wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using an oktagon2008 SCSI controller.....
Starting from your suggestion I checked some more and i progressed somehow.
The situation is somewhat tricky:
1) oktagon.device is not a file, it is part of the "oktagon" file.
as are "oktagonmount" and "SoftSCSI_oktagonC9Xxx.device"
2) the NSDPatch.cfg line i am interested in is intended for "oktagon 6.10 " it
does not mention the version of the oktagon.device directly
3) questioning the new "oktagon" file's version it states
" OktagonMount 6.10 (08/15/1995)" (So its version mentions the OktagonMount it
What i want to verify: is the resident version of oktagon.device correct
(after putting oktagon 6.10 in the expansion drawer and booting) ?
I got the following information :
Version oktagon.device RES FULL
returns "oktagon.device 6.8 (11/30/1994)" which is the same as in the previous
"oktagon" file
Version oktagon RES FULL
returns " OktagonMount 6.10 (08/15/1995)"

What can i conclude from this ?

In my understanding the 6.8 version is loaded in memory and used in the early
boot process. It is only when "Binddrivers" is found in the startup-sequence
that the 6.10 version is loaded in memory.
So i feel that
- the version of the device is not changed (stayed 6.8) when oktagon's version
(really oktagonmount's version) became 6.10
is more likely than:
- the version of oktagon.device changed (supposedly to 6.10) but was not made
resident in the process described
- or ?

I did therefor uncomment the NSDPatch.cfg oktagon.device line & verified with
"NSDQuery oktagon.device BRIEF

OpenDevice("oktagon.device", 0, ior, 0x00000000) was successful (Version 6.8)
Device does not support New Style Device Commands"

I then did
which did mention no error for the oktagon line (*)

Doing the "NSDQuery oktagon.device BRIEF" again i had the same result as
Doing "NSDQuery oktagon.device" i got:

OpenDevice("oktagon.device", 0, ior, 0x00000000) was successful (Version 6.8)
io_Device: 0x002117F4, io_Unit: 0x00552E50
Error -3 while trying NSCMD_DEVICEQUERY: IOERR_NOCMD: command not supported
by device [unit].
I added "IOERRNOCMD" to the line & ran NSDPatch from CLI
"NSDQuery oktagon.device" still gave the same result.
I changed the line arguments VERSION 6 REVISION 10 to "VERSION 6 REVISION 8" &
ran NSDPatch
Still the same result for NSDQuery
Can i have problems with this, which ones ? What
should i avoid ?
What more can i do or check ?

(*) BTW i got the following error for an uncommented asimcdfs.device line
Devs:NSDPatch.cfg, line 476, required argument missing
The line is:
I don't see a difference in the CD & in the BoingBag1 versions of that line.
My version is : asimcdfs.device 3.10 (3 April 1998)

Verifying with NSDQuery i got:
" NSDQuery asimcdfs.device

OpenDevice("asimcdfs.device", 0, ior, 0x00000000) was successful (Version
io_Device: 0x0029A4D4, io_Unit: 0x00553728
Error -3 while trying NSCMD_DEVICEQUERY: IOERR_NOCMD: command not supported
by device [unit]."
Here also i added IOERRNOCMD, version & revision to the line
Nothing seems to change
NSDQuery gives same result, NSDPatch still says a required argument is
missing. How can i find which one is missing ?

The ramdrive.device refuses to open on a NSDQuery, i get (7 times)
Error -1, IOERR_OPENFAIL: device/unit failed to open.
Here too i added version & revision (39.35)
NSDQuery does not change its results.

Can anybody help ?


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