AmigaOS3.5 (107/967)

From:Doug Dyer
Date:3 May 2000 at 07:09:47
Subject:Re: Miami

Hello tesla

On 28-Apr-00, tesla wrote:
>t Hello all
>t I like most of you, have purchased 3.5. I have it installed on a A3000

>t Last, I have a A2065 Card. I would like to connect the amiga to a peer to
>t peer windoz 98 network. Is it possible? If so, what drivers do I need,
>t and where do I get them?

Hello Tesla

I 'network' my A3000 with the x-surfer ethernet card to my PentiumIII
Windoze98 computer which also has an ethernet card (3Com) installed and use
AmigaForever(AmigaExplorer). This gives you an AmigaComputer Icon on the
Windoze desktop which you click on to get a facsimile of your Amiga
Workbench as a window on your Windoze PC. You can access all drives and
Harddisks, even my Zip and Jaz drives from the PC. I can even see the CDROM
in my CDTV which I connect to my A3000 via Parnet, as a CD icon on my PC
screen. To get files to my Amiga from the PC you have to copy them (drag
and drop) the PC file to the desired drive or partition on the Amiga WB
window on the PC screen. You do not see the PC desktop on the Amiga WB with
this setup. However the Siamese system does let you see both desktops on
each computer. It seems to me that Envoy should also work with an ethernet
connection between the two computers but I have not tried this yet.

All the best from the West Coast of Canada

Doug Dyer | Victoria BC |
| Canada |

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