AmigaActive (96/2143)

From:James Brown
Date:3 May 2000 at 02:41:30
Subject:Re: Basic or C

Hi Andrew,

You wrote:

> About 2/3 years ago I started to look in to wrighting such an app. I knew
> that I couldn't do it on my own. So started open development team. Only 3
> people join and they were not programes just intrested in the idea. So
> nothing happend. So the projected died.
Did this use Pascal, I vaguely remember a visual IDE which used this
language. It came with no docs and no contact address.

Never really tried to follow it up, as pascal is not one of my

> By the way I was going to call it.
> *AmiVisual* (Well everything was called Ami something or other then)
They usually still are :)

Jim Brown

ICQ 33131511

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