AmigaActive (932/2143)

From:Simon Preston
Date:11 May 2000 at 20:01:19
Subject:Re: subliminal Amiga spotting

> yesterday I was at home until 11:30am (because I'd been doing network
> maintainance 'til midnight the day before - before ya'll call me lazy!
> ;-))

Why you lazy bast.... oh, I see... well, thats different! :)

> So, who was that man? Does he frequent this list? or does anyone on this
> list know? I think the hospital was southampton general. do we have any
> more clues about this? Why is this starting to sound like crimewatch? 8-)

Now, don't think I'm a killjoy or anything but isn't Amiga type clothing
just a wee bit sad? I mean, if you're walking down a street and you see
someone wearing a Micro$lop shirt then you think "geek!".

Its even geeky if you've got a PSX bag. If its geeky for the PSX then what
chance does anyone else have?

/me hides and covers house in flame proof sheets.


Simon Preston

I bought this tagline with all of my lottery money.

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry

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