AmigaActive (931/2143)

From:Simon Preston
Date:11 May 2000 at 19:55:35
Subject:Re: CDV (was Re: WooooHoooo!)

>> really? what sorts of sites would host these big files?

> A site that was mentioned earlier # had Toy Story 2
> The Haunting and StarWars Episode 1 all of 1.4 gig for that.

And who would download these big files???

I mean, if you've got ADSL/Cable then it would be a bit better but in
Britain where the average user has a 56k modem and Cable modem/ADSL hasn't
even taken off yet its gonna be a long sssssslllllloooooooooow month...

Simon Preston

Hummmm, I had a tagline when I came in here<gotya<

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry

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