AmigaActive (924/2143)

From:Kyle Miller
Date:11 May 2000 at 22:43:51
Subject:Re: 0800

> >> Sorry, but I also have an AllAdvantage account, and have to say that it
> >> doesn't work like that - it will only earn you money if you are
> >> *actively* surfing (EG, at the computer with user input, etc.). Just
> >> staying online with Navigator running while you're off doing whatever,
> >> won't earn you bugger all.
> >
> > worked for me - just keeping the Navigator window active
> > (the old client used to have a green light to show that it was 'time
> > collecting')
> Is there not a ARexx type tool on a PC that could pass a URL to your
> browser to make it look like you are activly surfing.

There *ARE* programs that can cheat it written by certain unscrupulous
people (ahem - ;-) ) but that is ultimately self-defeating. If the
companies using AllAdvantage think that nobody is reading the adverts (and
they probably get direct feedback if someone clicks on a link), then they
won't pay them and the whole system falls apart. There are other 'pay you
for surfing' deals that will only pay if you click on a certain range of
percentages of the adverts. Not too many and not too few. I think theres
another where you have to listen to 'radio' for hours to get paid.

I get 16 ukp a month from AllAdvantage on average. The real trick is to get
as many referrals as possible.

BTW, with the old AllAdvantage bar, if you just kept the browser window
active, it automatically stopped paying after 30mins. You really do have to
be actively browsing.

Dr. Kyle Miller
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