AmigaActive (87/2143)

From:Andrew Guard
Date:2 May 2000 at 19:18:56
Subject:Re: Basic or C

How do we do, James

On 02-May-00, you wrote:

>>> I REALLY hope there will be a suitable replacement EASY programing
>>> language for the new Amiga, I want to have fun again!
>> Actually, it's not so much an easy language that you need as a good
>> development environment.
> Well said Don, I agree with that sentiment totally. IMHO, one thing
> the Amiga has always lacked is a visual development environment, such
> as RealBasic for the Mac or Visual Basic for Windoze(no booing or
> hissing please;-). These are easy environments to learn with
> drag'ndrop window building and they allow beginners to knock up apps
> in a few moments.

About 2/3 years ago I started to look in to wrighting such an app. I knew
that I couldn't do it on my own. So started open development team. Only 3
people join and they were not programes just intrested in the idea. So
nothing happend. So the projected died.

By the way I was going to call it.

*AmiVisual* (Well everything was called Ami something or other then)

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