AmigaActive (86/2143)

From:Michael Carter
Date:2 May 2000 at 18:20:10
Subject:RE: Someone just please please help!!!

>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>This is just typical, to put it lightly, in fact I am absolutely
>seethingly furious.... :////

ooOo sounds serious!

>This time, boys and girls, my Second Hand Blizzard PPC card is fubar.
>Sorry for the language - but I am truly fedup.

Hahaha, sorry had to laugh. I told you, yer would have some sorta trouble

>My problem: the memory i plug in is not recognised, and the
>memory is fine
>because I have tested it in another A1200 accelerator; a Viper V on
>another desktop A1200. It is 60ns type, Fast Page and EDO; good
>quality because it is working fine.

Have you plugged the SIMM in the flat connector, not the angled one, I find
you gotta have the simm in that slot to make it work. But I guess your not
stupid to not have already tried that :-/

>I plug it in via the Ateo Bus 150pin edge connector, and all that I get
>is no memory; therefore no PPC, but CPU shows there is a 68040 there.
>Whooop deeee whooop; a 68040 that can't even perform properly
>because of NO fast RAM, and to top it off, I had a faster 68040
>before... :///

This is what is happening to my mates at the moment, it just stopped
working! No BVision either :/ weird!

>I try removing the Ateo Bus controller and plug directly to the 150pin
>A1200 accelerator slot - no joy :-[=

Oh, I was gonna suggest that. How about - have you got the latest Ateo
start patch thing?

>Expansion Board Diagnostics shows no boards...

This seems to have always been the same with my mates PPC040, some bloke
(author of mmu.library) said it is because Phase5 do non standard autoconfig
stuff. But my PPC060 works perfect and shows up :) luverly. But no good
for you.

>I have even tried the BPPC in an A1200 desktop, a seperate machine,

Hmmm, well this would point to a faulty board then, or your just full of
static and knackered it?! The normal desktop machine had a weedy PSU IIRC,
that could well duf you up, especially wiht an 040 on board.

>I have tried the installation of the stuff on the disk - and that
>didn't seem to work either... :/
>The A1200T is a rev. 1B
>The A1200 desktop is a rev. 2B
>Is my BlizPPC knackered??? ://

Could well be matey.

>Please please help, I'm totally fedup... :/

Go and have a break AWAY from the computer!!, thats what I do, otherwise you
end up kicking the shit out of it and break something else, like i did - my
CD Re-Writer


M!Ke C.

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