AmigaActive (84/2143)

Date:2 May 2000 at 18:06:40
Subject:Re: Basic or C

Hi Don

> Samuel Falvo, who is expert on this stuff, suggests that CORBA is the
> answer. This is a general cross-platform system similar to the Amiga
> message ports that ARexx uses, but accessible from lots of languages and
> across a network.
> This could in principle be linked to our existing ARexx
> system with some bridge software so that ARexx-aware programs become
> CORBA programs.
> I only half understand this, but it seems to me that it would be
> possible to run a script on a new Amiga (assuming you have CORBA
> routines in the language you are using) which would control something
> like DPaintV on an A1200. Provided they are networked, that is.
> Of course someone will have to write this bridge software - I doubt if
> Samuel will do it himself, he writes for money, not for free.
> (Cue for Tim Corringham to say it would take five years.) ;-)

No, I don't think this would - more like a couple of months or
so (for a suitably knowlegable developer) ;-)


Tim Corringham e-mail:
Ramjam Consultants Ltd tel: +44 (0)118 946 5940
Reading, England fax: +44 (0)118 946 5941

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