AmigaActive (82/2143)

Date:2 May 2000 at 18:06:37
Subject:Re: >4.3 Gig HD salvaging

Hi Neil

> > Would PFS do ? I.E. is it possible to recover files off a PFS partition,
> > especially beyond the 4.3 gig limit.
> Yes it is, with PFSDoctor. The latest version also has an unformat
> option. You can usually retrieve a trashed partition by doing a quick
> format followed by unformat. However, I've no experience of this as I
> haven't managed to trash a PFS3 partition, except by a brown-out making
> one Non-DOS before PFSDoctor was updated to fix this particular problem.
> The 4GB limit is irrelevant as far as PFS is concerned.
Thanks for answering that before I could do so!

I just thought I'd mention that the Great Effects have now shipped their
last copies of PFS3 to dealers (Ramjam actually), and don't anticipate
making any more as most Amiga users that are likely to buy PFS3 already
have it - so if you haven't got a copy yet but plan to, don't wait too


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