AmigaActive (793/2143)

From:David Le Huray
Date:10 May 2000 at 09:07:39
Subject:PFS2 - 3 Upgrade (Long)

Hi All,

can anyone who has successfully upgraded from PFS2 to PFS 3 please tell me where I am going wrong!

I have a 4 GB HD, divided in to:

Wbench: 100 Mb - OS3.5 Boot priority 1
OS3.1: 100Mb - Boot priority 0
Utilities: 1Gb - MUI, Netconnect2/3,PFS2/3
Graphics: 1Gb - Frogger, Icons
Games: 1Gb - empty
Data: 400Mb - empty
Internet: 300Mb - empty

All partitions are formatted with PFS2 except OS3.1, and all work fine!

Commenced the upgrade to PFS3 as follows:

Installed PFS3 direct SCSI version.

Opened HDInstTools. Display showed 4GB Hd - unmodified.

selected 'Add File System' - in dialogue box that appeared typed 'PDS\3' as the file system and left version etc as displayed. Selected OK. File system now shown in main window - selected OK.

Display now shows HD as modified. Selected 'Save Changes To Drive' and rebooted, got dialogue box informing me that all data on changed partitions would be lost - ignored . All OK so far :-)

After reboot went back into HDInstTools and checked that new file system still shown then selected Data: partition and selected 'Edit Partition'. Display shows file system as Custom: PDS\0 {which is PFS2 Direct SCSI}, max transfer as 0x00fffe00 and buffers as 250.

Replaced phrase PDS\0 with PDS\3 - nothing else changed - selected OK and returned to main display which now shows HD as modified.

Selected 'Save Changes to Drive' - told that all data on changed partitions would be lost - ignored again and rebooted.

Reboot started - got past CGFX boot screen and then froze on blank screen with Workbench in title and busy mouse pointer.:-(

Several reboots all had same results.:-(

Booted into OS3.1 partition no problem.:-)

Booted without startup-sequence and ran HDInsttools. Everything displayed as it should be. Changed Data: partition back to PDS\0, saved changes and rebooted. Everthing worked again.:-)

I have tried several times to install PFS3 all with the same effect. I have even tried formatting Data: using PFSformat, but the HD still fails to boot until I change the partition back to PFS2.:-(

Sorry that this email has been so long but I wanted to make my actions as clear aspossible. If anyone has any information or suggestions they would be eagerly welcomed.

Thanks in advance

A La Prochaine
Dave Le Huray
Guernsey, Channel Islands

ICQ: 56195074

- - Surfing the Net with the speed of a Pentium - -
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