AmigaActive (784/2143)

From:Wannes Van Causbroeck
Date:8 May 2000 at 07:00:21
Subject:Re: Someone just please please help!!!

>>> Or hold down ESC while booting for the secret menu and fanny with the
>>> there.
>> Problem. Esc is for SCSI boards. The latest flash will give
>> every BPPC owner that, problem: it won't update the bloody flash ROM.

>OK, heres a real long shot. Try booting with the S key held down. Maybe
>somebody tampered with the SCSI settings? I don't know if this is possible
>though on a non SCSI card. (I did say it was a long shot)

When i tried to install the new flash, THE BLOODY THING BAILED OUT ON
it said something like:"stay indoors, close all your windows and wait for the
world to end"
When i rebooted my miggy, it didn't do anything, no boards were found, no
scsi, nooooooooooo.....
i tried to flash it again, but it didn't want to since all the info about
clockspeed etc was erased.
in all desperation i used the 'force' option and typed the
clockspeed/scsi/cpu-stuff in manually
et voil�: a working Blizzart with the latest flash

but as you can see: this procedure is not advised to people with hart-or

wARCo = Wannes Van Causbroeck (2nd year animation at St.Lukas
A1200T 3.0 blizz 603+ \603e 200\68040 25\/SCSI\/Bvision\48Mb Fast/
+ 17"viewpoint*mustek6000SP*24Xcyberdrive*9gigSCSI*1gigIDE

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