AmigaActive (740/2143)

From:gary waddington
Date:9 May 2000 at 12:01:48
Subject:Re: WooooHoooo! But... ;)

On Monday, May 08, 2000 8:04 PM, Kevin Twyman
[] wrote:

> All I want is something that will run with Frogger! The author says in
> his docs that VideoCDs run well, and I want to try one.

I believe that the video discs that were released for the CDi were just
standard VideoCDs badged as CDi discs. They were used to test that
standalone MPEG decoder that was reviewed some years back in CU Amiga. I
would have thought that you could pick them up dirt cheap now given the
fact that CDi never really caught on and now DVD is around.


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