AmigaActive (731/2143)

Date:9 May 2000 at 10:56:57
Subject:RE: Strange PowerUP Quirks.... :-?

Hi Mike,

>>Well firstly - this weekend I braved a flash update. Somehow
>>I managed to get
>>myself to do it. Anyway I got the latest one from some ftp
>>server which is
>>associated with Vapor's V3 site. It's ppc.library v46.31 or
>>something so I
>>am bang up to date, which is rather nice :)
>Does Voyager Flash plugin work for you now? it don't seem to get detected

>for me? :(

Voyager crashes *all* the time for me, at least in its v3.1 and v3.2 installations
- even after I deleted the old Voyager drawer so that cannot be cache problem.
So until a new stable release is made, I don't know. :(

>>However, I have been 'suffering' some real strange things
>>since then, when I
>>use PowerUp - okay so there's the crashes but I'll sort them
>>out... One thing
>>that happens is that the Ateo Bus isn't ready and so the
>>display gets chucked
>>on to a 4 colour hires (ha! ;) display on a 15KHz signal.
>>With WarpUp v4 this
>>doesn't happen. Is this PowerUp or the Ateo Bus? (me guesses
>>the latter ;)
>is the hires display the one built into the flash which just writes direct

>to the Bvision mem to 'emulate' the bootmenu on a gfx card? t save you
>using a scan doubler? if so it may be an idea to add a 'wait' command in
>your startup-sequence then?

No, I mean Workbench. :) I tried a wait command but that did little to solve
anything. :( I have downloaded the latest stuff from Ateo themselves which
may be better than what I have got...

>>Secondly, if the Pixel 64 1,024x768x16 screen does get opened
>>as it should;
>>some newicons don't display on the workbench screen, and some
>>do. (note this
>>is on the workbench desktop, not within windows) This also
>>doesn't happen with
>>WarpUp. Any ideas?
>What do you mean by "with warup" ?? How is Warpup being used during
>boot-up and starting workbench? do you have the Warp datatypes installed
>(if not get them!) ?

WarUp - is that a new War machine kernel? ;)
WarBegin(IORequest,Fire,Destroy); :))

It shouldn't have been, though I shall check the datatypes; I haven't installed
any PPC datatypes yet. Are the AK ones the only PPC datatypes?

>>I still haven't solved the AmigaAMP stopping during play
>>problem, though using
>>the PPCMPEGPlayer or similar from p5's CD is fine, either
>>under PowerUp or PowerUp
>>emulation... Has anyone else 'suffered' this?
>You should subscribe to the PPC mailing list, or the BVPPC seems to have
>good help on it too!

That may well be a great idea, but one question, what's the address to subscribe
to the PPC mailing list? :))

>I've sometimes had AMPlifier just stop whilst playing,
>I think it may be when the PPC overheats and duffs up. Try sticking a
>washer (or thin metal) between chip on PPC board and cooling plate (as shown

>in a past AA mag).

Ahhh, okay, I shall try that - my Dad should have plenty of washers being a
mechanic.... :))

All the best,

/// Omega Research UK Amiga Software Developers
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\\\/// Nick Lamburn
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