AmigaActive (729/2143)

Date:9 May 2000 at 10:30:16
Subject:Strange PowerUP Quirks.... :-?

Hi All,

Well firstly - this weekend I braved a flash update. Somehow I managed to get
myself to do it. Anyway I got the latest one from some ftp server which is
associated with Vapor's V3 site. It's ppc.library v46.31 or something so I
am bang up to date, which is rather nice :)

However, I have been 'suffering' some real strange things since then, when I
use PowerUp - okay so there's the crashes but I'll sort them out... One thing
that happens is that the Ateo Bus isn't ready and so the display gets chucked
on to a 4 colour hires (ha! ;) display on a 15KHz signal. With WarpUp v4 this
doesn't happen. Is this PowerUp or the Ateo Bus? (me guesses the latter ;)

Secondly, if the Pixel 64 1,024x768x16 screen does get opened as it should;
some newicons don't display on the workbench screen, and some do. (note this
is on the workbench desktop, not within windows) This also doesn't happen with
WarpUp. Any ideas?

I still haven't solved the AmigaAMP stopping during play problem, though using
the PPCMPEGPlayer or similar from p5's CD is fine, either under PowerUp or PowerUp
emulation... Has anyone else 'suffered' this?

All the best,


/// Omega Research UK Amiga Software Developers
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\\\/// Nick Lamburn
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