AmigaActive (704/2143)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:8 May 2000 at 21:49:11
Subject:Re: Genesis bits + pieces

Hello Stephen

On 07-May-00, you wrote:

> Hello Sam,

> On 07-May-00, you wrote:

>> two questions for you:

>> 1: yesterday I reinstalled all my Netconnect3 software
> {Snip}
>> Unfortunately it will not let me change any of the user settings. It
>> keeps asking for a password for the 'root' everytime I start it! Now I
>> did not set a password for it,

> Just press "Return" with the box left empty

Nope, that don't work! Does not matter now anyways, I just reinstalled the
NC3 package, so now (almost) everything is working hunky-dory. : )

(flippin appp.device)

> I have a problem with the webview program - it crashes when I try to run
> it :-(
> It just puts up horizontal bars on screen, forcing a reboot

webview? not heard of that

Do you mean Webvision? the one off NC3 allways guru-ed my amiga. the latest
version seems fine here though.


*Sam Thomas* - Amiga user, Simple as that : ) ICQ:64489402

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