AmigaActive (650/2143)

From:Richard Lane
Date:8 May 2000 at 01:49:51
Subject:Re: 0800

Hello Mogwai

On 04-May-00, Mogwai wrote:

> looking again a the terms and conditions on RHA it states that they reserve
> the right to remove the free phone numbers

Do you mean by this that you signed up without reading the Terms and

>..... So mr RHA techy guy that is
> on this list...

Andy Sillwood's his name, He's on this list as a fellow Amiga user, not as the
official support person for RHA, though because of his knowledge of RHA and
Free4all he's helped a lot of people on here and other lists, me included.

> What are their plans? wait a couple more months to nab as
> many people as poss then hit them with this? better not....

This is plain silly, they're are a well known company with 1000's of satisfied
users, me included. Even assuming what you say is true, do you honestly think
they'd tell a member of tech support.

Sure there's been some problems though no doubt this in part is due to stupid
users who think 24/7 access means they should stay connected 24/7 blocking it
up for the sensible users. Take a look on the newsgroup
alt.internet.providers.redhotant to see what some of the silly buggers are up
to. No doubt this is why they've had to implement the 3 hour cut-off, etc.

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Web site -

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