AmigaActive (637/2143)

From:Conor Kerr
Date:7 May 2000 at 20:10:12
Subject:Re: Download speeds


> > I regularly get 9.2K a second download speeds.... from a 56K modem!

> download a 2Mb lha archive or JPG (something that is highly compressed
> algorithmic software already) and you'll see the 'sane' speed of
> approx. 5.2K/s

No, the whole point of my post was that this rate was for .zip files!
That's why I was flumaxed! :)

> 115,000 is your DTR rate - the speed between the computer and the modem.
> this should be set to at least twice the speed of the modem - it allows,
> you've noticed, more data to be squeezed through if the data can be
> compressed (in the golden olden days, you'd set the rate to 3 times the
> modem speed)

The old modem would connect at various different rates, reported as anything
from 33600 to 48000. This one ALWAYS has a reported rate of 115000.

Now while I thought that that must surely be the DTR rate, I don't think it
is as the software being used hasn't changed, just the modem and connection
rates have. The question I keep asking myself is why would the software use
to report the actual connect speed and now report the DTR speed instead?
Somehow I don't think the software has actually changed what it is reporting
and that that isn't what is happening! Again, hence my quizical post!

All the best...


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