AmigaActive (570/2143)

From:James Brown
Date:7 May 2000 at 05:16:03
Subject:Re: Basic or C

Hi Conor

You wrote:>

> > Java is the perfect match....
> No it isn't. Not by a long shot!
> It's nice for me as a programmer

Too true, Java has its place but it is not easy to learn, Using Forte
or some other Visual development tool certainly eases the burden, but
you then need another non-amiga(probably non 86k) machine to use them.
On the Amiga at the moment (and for the future) the only really
useful development language is C++. Not C (the object oriented stuff
is very important if you want to move to java later).

> BTW, I think that this conversation is on topic as it mainly
>concerns the seeming importance of an easy-to-use programming
>language for the new Amiga. If that's a bit too general to be on
>topic just tell me and I'll talk off the list! :)

I agree with that, what use is a computer if you can't program the
bloody thing.

Jim Brown

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