AmigaActive (531/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:6 May 2000 at 13:33:16
Subject:Re: CDR/Online software distribution (x was 4.3 Gig HD salvaging at one point)

Don Cox said,

> On 06-May-00, Neil Bothwick wrote:

>> Provided the download was a straight archive of the original CD.
>> Creating a copy would be a fairly trivial task. Oh for some good
>> mastering software with an ARexx port.

> This list of the ARexx commands for MasterISO was posted by a user on
> the Asim list.

But MasterISO can be hideously unstable on 060 machines :(

> Supported Masteriso AREXX commands
> ==================================

> ADD_TREE <path> This one is extremely usefull since it lets you import an
> entire filetree into MasterISO.

> eg. ADDRESS 'MasterISO_rexx'; ADD_TREE 'sys:'

This, and the command to burn the CD, are all you need. A script could
download the archive, unpack it and burn it to CD. You may even be able
to omit the unpacking stage with xadmaster


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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