AmigaActive (521/2143)

Date:6 May 2000 at 11:24:01
Subject:Beneath a Steel Sky


I have a really interesting problem with this one :)

I have an original copy of the game which seems to have a fault. When you
have collected the jammer-device-thingy from Anita, accessed the LINK
terminal and selected the security services button, you can either read the
secret documents (which are encrypted) or do the other option (I can't
remember what it is). Every time I have selected the other option and pressed
button 1, the game locks up and you cannot continue....

This has been irritating me for ages. What if I can't complete the game
without this?? I don't want to find out if I need it, because that takes away
the fun of the game. I have even downloaded the whole game off the internet
from and emulation site (as I own an original it should be ok), but it has
exactly the same fault! Aaaaaaarrrgh!
I have considered buying the CD32 version from Alive just to find out what's

Does anyone else have this bug?
Does the button actually do anything?
Help would be appreciated :)


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