AmigaActive (516/2143)

From:Don Cox
Date:6 May 2000 at 09:17:32
Subject:Re: CDR/Online software distribution (x was 4.3 Gig HD salvaging at one point)

On 04-May-00, Michael O'Hara wrote:

>> I'm not adverse to buying CDR's if it is a more viable option.
>> Anybody else want to give an opinion on this?
> I'd be quite happy to download commercial software from the net, if
> the price of a CD-R was knocked off the asking price for the software.

The price of a CD-R disk is about 70p. The labour cost for burning it
would be much higher, probably about 15 UKP for a one-off. Less if you
can burn several identical disks at a time, but I expect sales of most
serious Amiga programs to be around 3 or 4 copies per year.


Don Cox

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