AmigaActive (481/2143)

From:Michael O'Hara
Date:4 May 2000 at 21:59:43
Subject:Re: CDR/Online software distribution (x was 4.3 Gig HD salvaging at one point)

Hi matt, on 16-Jan-00 21:40:30 you wrote:

>> Online purchasing would appear to be an option. Dealers could offer a
>> "download and burn to CD" service for those that want a hard copy or

>I'm not adverse to buying CDR's if it is a more viable option.
>Anybody else want to give an opinion on this?

I'd be quite happy to download commercial software from the net, if the price
of a CD-R was knocked off the asking price for the software.

Carpe Diem,
Mike O'Hara - Search Engine works. - The non Wintel group - On hold.
Amike on UIN: 39795033

Doughnut holes may not be sold. (Lehigh; Nebraska)

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