AmigaActive (46/2143)

From:Blasio Muscat
Date:1 May 2000 at 23:30:14
Subject:Re: Power Flyer questions. (also: Maxtor 15.3GB and pFS3==> SOLVED)


> kickstart3.0: The partitions under the first 4GB or 8GB will show
> up. kickstart3.1: The partitions under the first 8GB will show up.
> OS3.5: Possibly all partitions will show up, but its not likely.

All partitions will show up on OS3.5. It's got pretty good support
for large HDs. Too bad that it doesn't have an FFS salvage tool with
support for drives > 4 gig.

Also, about the powerflyer. Got it working with no problems here,
except for having stupidly damaged the RDB on the main drive somehow.
Still now sure how on earth I did that, but I lost no data anyway.
The 20.5 Gig drive works pretty well as a boot drive (someone
mentioned that it wouldn't or something). Oh, and I even plugged the
ribbons the wrong way round in the ide port on the flyer, and still
nothing blew.

And just to make things better I have a twister serial stuck on the
clock port *without* any of the socket raisers :). Yep a pretty bad
sight, but then I'm suicidal :).


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