AmigaActive (448/2143)

From:Paul Hill
Date:4 May 2000 at 20:06:59
Subject:Re: I wanna destroy (was Re: Dev Box)

On 03-May-00 23:23:50, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>Bart King said,

>> "Neil Bothwick" <> wrote:

>>> And knew for sure that the change you were making was the right one? It
>>> must be wonderful to be so omnipotent that you never need to experiment :)

>> Looking at my ENVARC:sys, some files haven't changed since I installed
>> Workbench :)

>I take the same isn't true of the rest of ENVARC: or you'd haven
>mentioned that too...

I took a look at my ENVARC: the other day. It's HUGE! Full of all sorts of
old stuff. It's starting to look like the Windows registry :) Then again
I use HappyENV so I don't really care...

Talking of the Windows reg, is there any Amiga programs that allow
modification of ENVARC (and ENV) in a tree type system?


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