AmigaActive (430/2143)

Date:5 May 2000 at 14:29:58
Subject:Re: WarpUp/WarpOs

Hi Kevin,

>> >> ....joining us tonight is star guest Petro Ty-I-Cannee-Spell-Ye-Name-ko.
>> >
>> >Although I think it is pronounced Tie-Chen-ko
>> Question: Is that a German surname or Russian? I have seen similar Russian

>> surnames you see... :)
>I have honestly no idea!

Does anyone know? :)

>> >So why did we invent the telephone? ;-)
>> For a bloomin great laff :) Also as a device for double glazing salesman,
>> the Internet and that's it. You're not telling me to actually ring people
>> on it are you? ;)))
>Sometimes. I've just recieved a phone call on it about cable modems. Yes,

>that's right, I could have a cable modem installed on May 26th! And I
>turned them down ... as soon as I mentioned "amiga" it was all different
>anyway! Well, you know how it is ....

Yup, my Mum wants to do online shopping on the Amiga with Tescos or summink,
and I'm trying to get it to work!! :)

>> >> not literally, the more I stuff in the more I have to take out... :)
>> >
>> >My A4000 is just like that! And it's full too, despite being in a bloody

>> >big tower case :-(
>> How on *earth* did I suvive without my A1200 in a tower?!?!
>Erm, I dunno ...

Neither do I, answers on the back of a postcard please ;)

All the best,


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