AmigaActive (417/2143)

Date:5 May 2000 at 12:51:11
Subject:Re: PFS2/3

Hi Neil

> I bought PFS2 and I'm very pleased with it. I haven't really seen the case proved for quite an expensive
> upgrade. (I seem to recall that it was in the region of £30?) Sorry, but I have to prioritise my spending.

Yes it is relatively expensive for an upgrade - Ramjam charge £27
inc VAT and postage.

The reason is largely that PFS2 was sold too cheaply. Great Effects
made the (rash) assumption that they would be paid for all the
copies sold, and were somewhat disappointed by the overall amount
they received for PFS2 sales. The price of PFS3 reflects economic
realities rather better, but comes as a bit of a shock to users!


Tim Corringham e-mail:
Ramjam Consultants Ltd tel: +44 (0)118 946 5940
Reading, England fax: +44 (0)118 946 5941

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