AmigaActive (397/2143)

Date:5 May 2000 at 09:32:09

Hi All,

Since I have the PPC now working, stopped dancing around the house and all that
;) - one more hurdle. :) (There's always one, and also - that awful Octopus
dock bar from NC3 doesn't like the PPC at all! :))

I was using PowerUp last night - just to get a jist of things, now sometime
soon I will actually buy some software to use it. (I have Candy Factory Pro
and Fantastic Dreams on the list and I'm going to order MooVid *today* :) Now;
it is quite evident that regardless of what is better, H&P's WarpUp/OS is the
way that the PPC kernel stuff is going...

/me avoiding a flame fest ;)

Now; I downloaded WarpUp v4 from Aminet last night, and installed it. Installed
the BPPCFix proggy with:

BPPC install 040 reboot

Now, before when I typed version ppc.library i got v46.2 or summink; but to
verify it has gone, I typed it again and indeed it has been zapped off of this
planet ;). So in theory, when I start say, AmigaAMP (the MP3 player not the
MPEG player) and select WarpOS as the replaying thingy, I quit as it says -
restart and a small shell window appears when AmigaAMP is loaded saying that
it cannot open 'powerpc.library'. I have checked this is in libs: and it is;
but nothing which requires WarpUp works, like AmiGenerator and the H&P demos;
like VoxelSpace etc.

So how do I get WarpUp v4 to work? :)

All the best,

Nick Lamburn.
/// Omega Research UK Amiga Software Developers
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\\\/// Nick Lamburn
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