AmigaActive (379/2143)

Date:5 May 2000 at 03:31:19
Subject:Re: AA8 - Plane ^ arion

Hello Conor

>> (Watch the paintwork, I paid a fortune for that)
> Silver paint?
> How tacky.

Its been named in memory of Bob Calvert (Wrote Hawkwinds "Silver Machine")

My next ship is being named in memory of David Essex* who shall be ever
remembered for his superb acting skills as well as his fantastic motorbike
crashing skills..

(And after that, Noddy**, in memory of his silver jump suit)

Besides, How are you gonna check your flares if your ship isn't refective?

Jive don't drive

Steve Clark
DruidPoet Productions

* Isn't dead yet
** The Slade one, not the weird friend of Big Ears

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