AmigaActive (373/2143)

Date:4 May 2000 at 22:35:08
Subject:Re: Amiga and PersonalJava (was Re: Basic or C)

Whoops, missed this one during my dead machine experience, I assume. 2
replies in one here.

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Conor Kerr wrote:
> > C++ is better than C IMO. Java is even better for beginners. But for Java
> > you need Linux or Windows. You get results VERY quickly with Java and
> > Swing. The Metal GUI looks very good too. Kind of sad that Amiga will use
> > PersonalJava, and probably not support Swing.

The Metal GUI is quite gorgeous, yes. It's just one of the PLAF (pluggable
look and feel) settings for Swing though. There's also windows, mac and
motif versions. I'd hope any Amiga version of Swing looked like the rest
of the OS. Or even better, was totally configurable in the same way MUI

>From what I've read about Personal Java, it doesn't look like it's got the
Swing stuff there anyway :( Swing was only part of Java with the 1.2 (or 2
if you insist) release, and the only Personal Java stuff I've read about
is based on 1.1something.

> Swing's nice and quick to use but is still lacking in a few areas. If
> Amiga's APIs offer what I think they'll be offering then you probably
> wouldn't want to use Swing anymore anyway.

Swing covers pretty much most things I'd want. Anything in particular you
think it's lacking? It's a lot better than the nasty old AWT stuff, and
there are some quite nice tools about for writing Swing apps. (Personally,
for now anyway, I'd stick to doing it all by hand, but the Sun IDE looks
promising. The one they seem to have changed the name of recently that I
can't remember the new _or_ old name of ;)

If Amiga offer something better than Swing, and it's accesible through
Java, I'll be _very_ happy. But I still want Swing there, just because
there's a fair few things about that use it already, and it'd be nice to
have them running on an Amiga.

While I'm at it, let's remember we've got (or if you insist, still not used to that ;) for these sorts of
things, even if we're kind of on topic now anyway ;)

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