AmigaActive (365/2143)

From:matt ainscough
Date:16 Jan 2000 at 22:36:37
Subject:Quake speeds.

>>> Slow, 160MHz is slow.... If Quake can do 20fps on this baby I'm
>>> gonna be dead chuffed! =)
>> I would guesstimate that it barely manages that on my 240MHz BlizzPPC.
> Hah! on my 603 160 i get 17 fps on timedemo demo2 this is of course
> using the dodgy quake ppc from yesteryear and its on an aga screen 320 x
> 200 and if my counting serves me well 17fps is only short of 20 by
> three. So i dunno if your playing in a maximum screen res or you have a
> slow card, (or my computer is magic) i recon with a graphics card
> perhaps 20 fps on a 160.

Ok. For those of you who care :/
Running timedemo demo2 in Quake, I got these speeds from my 60/50 240mhz BVision with 64 meg RAM.

Clickbooms Quake (the 060 one)
8bit 320x240 10.13fps really grainy
16bit 320x240 8.93fps zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
8bit 640x480 No. Sorry. I can't watch any more at these speeds.

fastquake5 (ahem)
8bit 320x240 24.82fps Grainy really fast. Quite playable though.
8bit 640x480 12.47fps How most people see Quake, I suspect. I thought this was fantastic.........until GLQuakeWOS came out.
8bit 800x600 8.65fps J.u.s.t a.b.o.u.t p.l.a.y.a.b.l.e
16bit 320x480 20.6fps Good speed but grainy.

320x240 21.9fps quite pixelated but looked like it was in fast forward!
640x480 14.5fps awesome graphics, and it feels more like 20fps. Maybe the timedemo command is dodgy(?).
800x600 11.8fps playable but slightly jerky

20fps is not needed for Quake, but is nice. I would choose a playable GLQuake over a faster Quake any day.

I am so bored with Demo2.

Incidentally, for those of you with PPC's, if you have not yet tried fastquake5 you can find it on AFCD's 38 and 39 if you look hard enough. I didn't think it prudent to mention it before, but now AF has closed I suppose nobody can be sacked for it.


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