AmigaActive (344/2143)

From:matt ainscough
Date:16 Jan 2000 at 23:19:33
Subject:Re: Someone just please please help!!!


On 04-May-00, wrote:
>> Try plugging some RAM in the PPC board as well.
> I have. :) A 32Mb and 16Mb SIMM, individually and both. The 32Mb SIMM only
> fits in the non angled one though.

A warning here to all prospective PPC RAM buyers. While you can get most SIMMS to fit one socket, the other one will only accept SIMMS which have space between the connectors and chips. I had this problem with two 32meg chips I bought. I could only fit one. (Luckily a mate did a swap. Three cheers for mates HIP HIP........).

>> Or hold down ESC while booting for the secret menu and fanny with the settings
>> there.
> Problem. Esc is for SCSI boards. The latest flash will give
> every BPPC owner that, problem: it won't update the bloody flash ROM. Argggggghhhhhhhhh!

OK, heres a real long shot. Try booting with the S key held down. Maybe somebody tampered with the SCSI settings? I don't know if this is possible though on a non SCSI card. (I did say it was a long shot)

>> If you didn't get a manual, let me know and I'll scan mine for you.
> That's very kind, but I did get a manual. :) I appreciate you help though,
> any more ideas?

I have as a matter of fact but some bugger beat me to it.

*****extract from other mail********

> Pick up the board, look at the crystals. Yes, the silver blocky things
> near the cooker. Did one come off? What about the other side, there's 6
> or 7 very small orange thingies in a row there, are they all there, did
> one come off? check the board for possible damage, especially since
> its second-hand.
> It was 2nd hand, wasnt it? Perhaps the former owner tried to overlock it,
> that would explain the output of the flashupdate.

This mate of mine with the 32meg SIMM has overclocked his card (240mhz 060 SCSI) and when the PPC oscillator is out, the PPC and RAM don't work (can't tell you if the PPC is recognised though, sorry). Sounds similar to your problem.
AFAIK the oscillators should not be in sockets (comments?) so if yours are its probably been tampered with. The 'small orange thingies' are apparently resistors used to control the amount that the oscillator multiplies the clock rate, so are a good place to check.

This all sounds like I know what I'm talking about. Do not be fooled!!!!!!
As a last resort, you could try removing the PPC crystal (small soldering iron and large balls for this one), putting a socket in and trying a new crystal.

>> P.S. just read todays mails before sending this and I think you are already
>> doing this. The offer of the manual is still open though but I can't see anything
>> of any use in it.
> Ahhh right; and I guess you'll now see that I've tried everything you suggested.
> :)

Now you have new stuff to try:-)


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