AmigaActive (323/2143)

From:Samuel Byford
Date:4 May 2000 at 18:59:06
Subject:Re: Someone just please please help!!!


> Its a problem with all clock port expansions which do not have a ribbon
> cable to connect them to the clock port. All of them that I've seen fit
> directly onto the clock ports header pins, the only one I've seen/got is the
> Catweasel which has a small ribbon cable to go between the clock-port and
> catweasel. So you'll need to get hold of a Quadddroport from Eyetech for
> £20. This will allow you to plug ONE standard clockport module in then
> another 3 which support the quaddroport expansion, as their base address in
> the driver software needs altering depending on which of the 3 ports it
> uses.

Hmmm, well my Hypercomm1 came with a ribbon cable. Actually it came with two cables. One cable from the clock port to the hypercomm which is suspended in mid air in my Power tower and then a second ribbon cable to the actual serial port screwed to the cutout on the back of the tower.

The fact that I dont have a BVision is something I would like to rectify. (unlikly though it is).


Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
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