AmigaActive (284/2143)

From:Samuel Byford
Date:4 May 2000 at 10:40:21
Subject:Re: Planet-arium


> OK, if someone wants to set up an Amiga Active alliance or something, it
> would probably be a good idea to open another ML - I've seen what Planetarion
> can do to mailing lists if it is allowed to, and it ain't pretty.
> However please don't expect that just because I'm the editor and I have one
> of the biggest fleets in the entire game that I will be spending my entire
> time defending all you newbies - I'll help out and advise when I can, but I
> have major intergalactic wars to fight.

Well now, that's just selfish isn't it? Not giving help to those in
need should not go without punishment.
I say you all get together and create an attack force aginst this
space loner and wipe off the face of the galaxy.



Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
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