AmigaActive (255/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:3 May 2000 at 21:12:16
Subject:Re: AA8

Hello David,

On 03-May-00, you wrote:

>> Scanning, not a review for ScanQuix5. I thought you were being
> ignorant of ScanTrax (great shareware btw) until I looked at the top of the

Excellent piece of software. I regged mine ages ago, and Klaus Kraus,
the author, even wrote and emailed me a driver to test when I asked if
he could support the "one-touch" button on my Epson GT7000.

> I can see where you're coming from. We covered ScanQuix 5 because it
> is a new update of a fully-featured software package. It's an idea
> worth bearing in mind for the future though. Perhaps as part of a
> "Scanning Masterclass"? What do other people think?

I think it's a good idea. Most people now have the hardware necessary
to support a scanner, and they work excellently on a decent Amiga.

I have ScanQuix4, BetaScan and ScanTrax, and use them all for
different jobs (ScanQuix the least). I even have Migraph OCR set up to
run with BetaSCan (the quickest).


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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