AmigaActive (231/2143)

Date:3 May 2000 at 20:01:10
Subject:Okay, here's all the message ;) (PPC)


I just cannot believe this; I thought I had finally got the mail through;
and guess what, it still hasn't done it!!! :/ I know why now - and I
admit it, it's a bug in my SMTP client.... :)

I`ve just sent what was missing.

I`m looking forward to when today is over. ;-)


Standard input of:




Blizzard 603e with unknown Mhz found
Check for clock argument
Error no clock specified


Then I tried:

BlizzPPC040Update 160MHZ

I got:


Blizzard 603e with unknown Mhz found
Check for clock argument

Unlock Flash: done

Stage A:

Stage B:
Stage C:
Emb prog: Sector 0 is protected
Error 31:'re in trouble now.
Close all doors and wait for the end of the world or rerun
the program

NB: Actually those dashes are '.'s, but my smtp mailer acidentally
assumed a lone '.' was the mail termination, which it isn't... simple bug
to fix. :)

So can someone confirm that I have destroyed my PPC? Or confirm
that someone has sold me a destroyed PPC?

The 040 still works, with no fast RAM! :////

In fact I'm using it now. Have I bought a real stinking turkey. :(((
What do i do now?

All the best,

Nick Lamburn.
Trying to be calm

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