AmigaActive (2143/2143)

From:Eddie Moore
Date:31 May 2000 at 16:27:57
Subject:Re: CD-R Audio

Hello Don!

On 30-May-00, Don Cox wrote:

> The big advantage of CDRs is that you're not tempted to write over them.
> So that crucial data file that you accidentally deleted last year and
> now suddenly need again is still there.

That's true enough. There have been a few occasions when I've had to delve
deep into the recesses of some old, dusty CDRs, in order to retrieve some
obscure file or other. Not often, granted, but having to do it once woud
be once too often, if I /hadn't/ have had those backups.

I've only recently started to use CDRWs, but I make sure that I only use
them for *temporary* storage. TBH, I find that the time taken to "delete"
the data nullifies the advantages of CDRWs, so I /still/ tend to use CDRs
for "temporary" storage, and dicard them when they've outlived their

> The disadvantage is that 650 Megs isn't very much space any more.

True enough. Even my old tape drive, which has given me years of excellent
service, looks a little flustered when I ask it to store the contents of a
1-gig partition onto its "tiny" 525Meg tapes...




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