AmigaActive (2125/2143)

From:Chris Green
Date:31 May 2000 at 23:39:24
Subject:RE: Amiga 3000s - Don't you just Love them?

Hi Nick

> I may only have been
> eight but my age never distracted me, even the lauch of the less sexy (who
> unscrewed his screws! :) A4000. So what in God's name am I on
> about here? It's the one, and only.....
> .....Amiga 3000!

I understand completely - which is why I am so fiercely protective of my
even rarer and sexier A3000UX :)

> As you can imagine, £3K was too much for me at eight way back in
> July 1990.

That's no excuse - when I was a lad I worked 28 hours a day 'down pit for
sixpence a week..........

> 2. Can I plug my SVGA monitor straight into its port at the back for
> such monitors; ie: is it a high density 15pin connector or the older
> VGA 9pin one?

Yes you can - it is a standard SVGA-style port and the on-board
scandoubler/flickerfixer means you get a rock-solid picture.

> 3. It has a flicker fixer which is dead nice, does that also mean it's
> scan doubled to 31KHz or both 15 and 31KHz?

No - as with modern flickerfixers - anything higher than 15KHz native will
pass through. However, that said, I have both an internal (on my 1200) and
external (on my 4000) sd/ff knocking around the house as well and neither of
these cope as well with passing through as the A3000 onboard one.

> Anyway - when I
> buy an A3000, is it likely that it'll use SuperKickstart or a ROM?

50:50 really - but I suggest you immediately rip out the boot ROMs if you
get a SuperKick machine - as I found SuperKick a pain in the arse - I much
prefer the fit and forget element of OS3.1 ROMs

> 7. Am I more likely to get a Buster rev. 6 than rev. 7? What's the max.
> speed of Buster rev. 7?

Hmmm - this is a toughie. Kev Fairhurst bought a 3000 at K3 with a Rev 6, My
3000UX is a rev 6 and I know of at least one other person with the same.
have yet to actually meet someone with a 7. The Rev 6 is totally reliable,
but has no support for Z3 DMA (supports Z3 format though). You'd be hard
pressed to find a card that needed it either way so don't worry. If it does
become a problem - you can always stuff a rev 11 in.

> 9. Are all A3000 mice that 'pregnant' style one, or are they the older
> clunky A1000 one. (These questions are getting stupid :)

Mine came with an A500 style one (rectangle dark grey buttons, all the
curves of a breeze block.

> 10. Are there any 68030 accelerators for the A3000? Or are they all
> 040/060+ since the A3000 is already 68030 based?

What is the point - it is an 030 already (16 or 25Mhz), you may as well look
around for an 040 card.

> 14. Are all A4000 CPU cards A3000 compatible, say if it had KS
> 3.1 the A3K?
> I say this because physically they share the same CPU connector.

Not all. While they use the same CPU connector, the cards need to be
positioned differently in the two machines, and so normally have two CPU
sockets on them (at right angles to each other). Not all A4000 cards have
this, thus meaning they might not fit into the 3000 case.

> 15. How much RAM did CBM ship A3000s with? I heard 1Mb Chip + 1Mb Fast.

The basic 3000 came with 1+1Mb, but the UX came with 2Mb chip and 8Mb Fast.

> And last, but by no means the least of these questions: How much
> is just the
> A3000 unit likely to cost me these days? And can you buy them s/h from
> refurbished centres and that, or is it the small ads? :)

Most of the ones I've seen in Loot and MicroMart have been around the £70


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