AmigaActive (2060/2143)

From:Steve Clark
Date:31 May 2000 at 17:33:00
Subject:Re: Planet ELF (Re: Captian Elf)

Hello Roger

> ^^^^^^^^^
> Does this explain why he sends slightly bizarre emails? I think maybe so

The Arm of the DruidPoet reached across many boundries and cultures.

Captain Elf is known to me. He battles evil somewhere in the universe on a
daily basis. Due to the strike by the Interstellar Jumpgate Workers Union
(IJWU), he is battling evil in our section this week.

Be afraid

Steve Clark
DruidPoet Productions

(Bill, are you stalking me? ;)

Hot off the press- summer's here!
School's out and it's sizzling hot. Whether you're planning a
graduation party, a summer brunch, or simple birthday party,
shop before your next celebration.

Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails