AmigaActive (204/2143)

From:Samuel Byford
Date:3 May 2000 at 12:22:56
Subject:Re: AA8 - Planetarion


>> You must have a dodgy patch or hack in your system somewhere, cos I tested
>> those sites for Chris before he did the article, and t'were fine in V3.1
>> for me, and is in 3.2 too ...

Hm, well I tried to access the site and Voyager crashed before even displaying the front page! It got as far as the black background and the <wham>, it crashed.

However - the Utopia and Earth games are two I am now into heavily.

Im not going to tell you what islands Im on cause I dont particularly want to get bombed or robbed... Im doing badly enough as it is without help....:)


Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
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