AmigaActive (1943/2143)

From:Simon Preston
Date:30 May 2000 at 12:35:35
Subject:Re: Kickstart Show

>> Somebody said!

> It was me!

Didn't I start something earlier on?

>> SO! Whassamatter with lil` old Brum then?

> Nothing, apart from the entire road infrastructure in and aroundthe area
> ;)

Nothing worng with it. Yes, so they have said the Spaghetti Junction may
collapse but look, I'm still alive!! :)

Thank God Spaghetti hasn't collapsed! There would be sooo many fire engines
and ambulances around my area it would be unbelievable!! ;)

Obviously, I wouldn't here it as I would be too busy with some sort of

Anyway, back on topic.
>> the NEC is nearer the middle of England, closer to Wales and Scotland,
>> and is a major intersection of Road, Rail and Air.

> Very true, and it's not as far for me to drive down to compared to, oooh,
> Novotel Hammersmith ....

Which is stuck down the bottom. A right bugger if you live in Newcastle
isn't it?
>> And there is plenty of Parking if you decide to drive!

> Tell me it isn't £25 a day ;-)

You can all park on my road then we'll all catch the train to New Street
station then jump on another one to the NEC.

Parking will be free :)

(note, I'm not being serious)

> No, it's not been arranged yet ;)

Hmmm, me gets ideas...


Simon Preston

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