AmigaActive (1917/2143)

From:Simon Mason
Date:29 May 2000 at 21:53:46
Subject:Re: Kickstart Show

Hello Kevin

On 28-May-00,Kevin yapped about: [amigactive] Re: Kickstart Show

>>> I did notice that for long periods their table was noticeably
>>> devoid of people in the otherwise crowded hall.
>> Funny that ...
> In view of all the comments about them preceding the show, I'd have
> expected horns and three-pronged forks to have been in evidence on
> their stand at the very least... ;)

True, but Steve Flowers did have his long, black leather Gestapo coat on at
the begining of the show. Honest.


Skeleton at keyboard: Still waiting on Windows.

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bit crap though

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