AmigaActive (1834/2143)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:28 May 2000 at 23:26:09
Subject:Re: serious problem -need answer quick :)

From: Simon Preston <>

> > And since I dont have a PC to test it, what tag and which parameters
> > fine on all PC browsers?
> Don't use MODS then.

Hey, if you're using MODS, there's something called ModPlug - it's a small
plugin for PC browsers which lets them play Amiga-type MODs - I use it on my
own homepage.

Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
Email: ICQ: 39945538
Visit my WEBSITE at:

1,000,000 sperm and YOU were the fastest??

Old school buds here:

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