AmigaActive (1826/2143)

From:Samuel Byford
Date:28 May 2000 at 23:59:58
Subject:Re: Warning about Alive (was Re: Kickstart Show)


> It is of course good to hear that you weren't ripped off by Alive. However,
> from what many others have been saying it's quite unlikely that the
> developers of the products you purchased were paid for the copies now in
> your possession. So the people who won here were Alive, the developers and
> other reputable companies the ones who lost.
> I'm quite disappointed that you and Ady failed to consider aspects of your
> purchases other than whether or not you yourselves got hurt. :(

na na. I bought the items I did long before I knew anything of they're reputation. In fact I havnt bought anything from them in a year or so (last prurchase The Prophet) and still wouldnt unless they were the last (and i mean LAST) resort.

> <snip>
> That was a fair point. Distributors and developers often fail to take on
> their full responsibilities in this crumbling market however you can
> understand their lack of professionalism somehwat when people still make
> purchases from compaines like Alive. :(
>> I had this trouble with Weird Science and Candy Factory Pro. I had to
> email THEM for them to reply saying the item was out-of-stock and on order.
> NOT a good way to run a business. :(
> I'd agree that they made a mistake, however Weird Science are a top class
> company in my view. I've ordered more Amiga products from them in the past
> than any other company and usually get my order the next day - not bad for
> delivery to Northern Ireland! :)

I too agree with you. I have nothing against WS except this one minor detail. Otherwise the many things I have ordered from them have had excellant delivery.

>> The other thing I find is that Alive ARE one of the biggest game companies
> out there (distributer of anyway) and as such they have games/compilations
> that no-one else do and so are your only line of recourse if you want that
> item.
> That is true. However, the developers should be paid for those items.

Damned right.

>> Just make sure to check they have the item in stock before sending the
> money, and I dont think you will have any problems with them
> And don't forget that there are other people in the equation apart from
> yourself.

And, as I said above, I only now use Alive as a LAST resort.


Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
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