AmigaActive (1820/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:28 May 2000 at 22:20:13
Subject:Re: CD-R Audio

Kevin Twyman said,

> Hello Neil,

>>> Is this using the TEAC drive you wrote about?

>> Yes. It's my own drive, bought in Cologne.

> Sounds very impressive, I was amazed at the speeds you got with it in
> the review.

It's a very good drive. Noticeably faster than the Yamaha on overal CD
creation speed, although it doesn't do CDRW.

>>> What controller? CyberStorm?

>> CyberStormPPC, but it's not particularly important for burning from
>> MP3. Any SCSI controller should do, a most of the work is in
>> decoding the MPEGs. For burning from a filesystem, especially when
>> there are a lot of small files as on the AACDs, a fast SCSI
>> controller is essential. Even with the CSPPC controller and a fast
>> drive, the read speed drops to around 3.5X during the early stages
>> of the build.

> I think this is where I've been having problems. I have an Oktagon
> 2008, and while it is reliable and very easy to set up and use, I
> suspect it is a bit slow compared to more modern controllers.

It is relatively slow. As I said, this wouldn't matter much for MP3
burning, but making data CDs can really hammer the controller, drive and

> One thing I haven't been able to do is to make multi-session CDs, the
> SCSI bus hangs every time.

> I wondered if this might be due to the controller or the filesystem?

Do you mesan it hangs when you create them, or when you try to read
them? If the latter, it could be down to the CD filesystem, although
most support multi-session.

> I know that MakeCD is your preffered CD burning software - any
> problems I should look out for when using it with the CyberStormPPC?

Provided you've got a recent version of cybppc.device (I use 44.67) it
should be fine. You may want to explicitly enable reselection in the
early boot menu as the auto setting doesn't always do this even though
the drive may support it. It handled my CDR OK but always got it wrong
for my tape drive.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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