AmigaActive (179/2143)

Date:3 May 2000 at 13:04:46
Subject:Re: Someone just please please help!!!

Hi Sam,

>I know what you mean! I have an AteoBus in my system and when I got online
>thought that it would be a good idea to buy a faster serial port, so I got

>the Twister.MkII. There was one thing that I forgot to do when I ordered it

>though... Ask about any problems I may have fitting it.

Oh dearie dearie me, mind you, I did that with an A4000 floppy drive! ;)

>Next day the package arrived and I stripped my EZ-Tower down, pulled it all

>to bits and then removed the AteoBus. Minutes later Twister in place...
>Argh! the AteoBus don't want to fit any more! : (

Surprise suprise! :)) If it were me: this would happen:

Remove Accelerator (a working one!)
Remove Ateo Bus
Fit Twister
Snap Twister in half
Remove it
Remove clock port with it ;)
plug ateo bus back in
snap connector for ateo bus
plug accelerator in
snap accelerator in half
remove unaffected simm
throw statically damaged simm in bin
lob a1200t out of window
kill pedestrian
and a cat... ;))))

>I spent the next week ringing around all sorts of electronics suppliers and

>trying all over the shop to get a extension cable, Alas no luck.
>Next day my Netconnect3 package arrived (from Eyetech) and I thought,
>'bugger this', so I got my old 3.5" IDE cable and butchered that up into a

>1.5" long bit of ribon cable. Then I proceeded to solded this straight onto

>the clockport connection and then over to the Twister connection (All
>heat-shrinked to stop shortouts (hopefully!)). I then reasembled my system,

>powered up, (usual fiddling with AteoBus + Apollo follows) and it worked!.

Ooooh, Apollo as well. I used to have one of those, it worked! ;) What do
you have? I *had* a lovely 40MHz 68040 with 32Mb. The bloke I sold it to,
now runs it (and I'm not lying!!!) at a ridiculous 57MHz FOR A 68040!!!! :))))

Why didn't i do that?!?!

I could have got 9fps out of Quake!!! ;) (sic)

>Thing is though, I really wanted one of those sound cards to go with it but

>it looks a bit unlikely now : /

What Ateo or Clock port? Frankly, there's more chance of World War III than
Ateo releasing drivers for those cards... ;))

Arrrrghhhhhhhh incoming SS20 ICBM...... ;))

>*Sam Thomas* - Butchered A1200 beyond belief : )

Ahhh - well I am a trained butcher (no kidding, I am!!), so when it comes to
butchering things other than meat, I'm well adept to butchering Amigas!!! You
should see mine!! :))

(The outside looks calm and pleasant and the inside, well.... ;)

All the best,


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